213 Result(s)
Everett, Karen under the dir. of G. Duhaime, 2023
Households, governments, and corporations as economic actors: A pilot project on inequality in the circumpolar Arctic, Canada Research Chair on Comparative Aboriginal Condition, Université Laval, Québec, 75 pages + appendices.
This study is the pilot project for the WAGE Circumpolar Partnership, a SSHRC funded project, the objective of which is to
better understand social and economic inequalities across the circumpolar Arctic. In particular, this research seeks to
identify the income composition of households, governments, and corporations at the subnational level across the circumpolar
The chapter on households identifies similarities and differences of income composition for individuals on a per capita basis.
Data was collected from the national and regional accounts of the relevant national statistics agencies for five indicators:
primary income, total transfers received, total income, total transfers paid, and disposable income in order to identify areas
of income inequality. The data shows that, on average, individuals in the North American North earn the most income,
followed by individuals residing in the northern Nordic regions and then in northern Russia, although there are variations
within the regional blocs. For example, the average disposable income per capita for Greenland is closer to that found in
Russia, while the average disposable income per capita in Yamal Nenets is similar to that in the Nordic regions. Moreover,
the amount of transfers paid and received varies from one region to another and often plays an important role in reducing
inequalities between regions within a country.
Data for governments and corporations was harder to obtain. For governments, comparable data is not publicly available
for all regions, meaning that a circumpolar comparison is not possible. For corporations, data at the regional level is also
not available due to the tax location of many larger corporations and the need for such data to remain anonymous. The
chapters on governments and corporations therefore suggest areas for future research.
The disparities in data between the three actors/sectors constitute a challenge if we hope to achieve a fuller understanding
of income composition and how this affects inequality. As such, future research will need to consider different methodological
approaches to perform analyses in these areas. For example, researchers will likely need to develop relationships with the
national statistics agencies in order to gain access to data that is not publicly available, while case studies can be used to
obtain a better understanding of the corporation sector.
Lévesque, Sébastien sous la dir. de G. Duhaime, 2022
Construction des indices de prix du Nunavik — Méthodologie et résultats préliminaires, Québec, Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la condition autochtone comparée, Université Laval, 12 pages + annexes.
Le présent projet de Construction des indices
de prix du Nunavik vise à tabler sur les connaissances acquises pour développer des mesures rigoureuses pouvant être calculées périodiquement.
Ce projet comporte trois objectifs principaux. Premièrement, il vise à suivre l’évolution des prix
à la consommation au Nunavik dans le temps ;
ceci doit mener à la construction d’un Indice
des prix à la consommation du Nunavik (IPCN).
Deuxièmement, il vise à suivre l’écart des prix à
la consommation entre le Nunavik et le Québec ;
ceci doit mener à la construction d’un Indice comparatif Nunavik-Québec (ICNQ). Troisièmement,
il vise à évaluer l’impact des mesures de réduction du coût de la vie sur les indices de prix. En
outre, des analyses ad hoc seront réalisées afin
d’améliorer le programme.
Lévesque, Sébastien under the dir. of G. Duhaime, 2022
Construction of Nunavik Price Indices — Methodology and Preliminary Results, Canada Research Chair on Comparative Aboriginal Condition, Université Laval, Québec, 12 pages + appendices
This Nunavik Price Indices Construction
project aims to build on the knowledge gained
to develop rigorous measures that can be calculated periodically. It has three main objectives.
First, it aims to track the evolution of consumer
prices in Nunavik over time; this should lead to
the construction of a Nunavik Consumer Price
Index (NCPI). Second, it aims to track the consumer price gap between Nunavik and Québec;
this should lead to the construction of a NunavikQuébec Comparative Index (NQCI). Third, it
aims to evaluate the impact of cost-of-living reduction measures on price indices. In addition,
ad hoc analyses will be conducted to improve the
Furgal, Chris et al., 2022
Food Security. Nunavik Inuit Health Survey Qanuilirpitaa? 2017 Full Report, Nunavik Inuit Health Survey 2017 Qanuilirpitaa? How are we now? Quebec: Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services (NRBHSS) and Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), 2022, 86 pages
The objectives of the present report are: (i) to document food insecurity status among Nunavimmiut
aged 16 years and older using both the same
method used in the Qanuippitaa? 2004 Inuit
health survey and an adapted version of the
USDA Household Food Security Survey Module;
(ii) to document food preferences, strategies
used when individuals could not gain access to
enough food, and food sharing behaviours; and
(iii) to examine differences between groups
and associations with key socio-demographic
characteristics in Nunavik regarding food insecurity status, food preferences, coping strategies
used, and food sharing behaviours.
Lévesque, Sébastien under the dir. of G. Duhaime, 2021
Employment in Nunavik. Profile and Trends, Canada Research Chair on Comparative Aboriginal Condition, Université Laval, Québec, 77 p.
Using the Canadian census as our main source
of data, this report analyzes the employment situation
in Nunavik, describes the main trends in
employment over the last 20 years, and explores
the relationship between employment levels and
various factors that may help to account for the
differences observed among the different Inuit
communities in Québec.
Duhaime, G., A. Caron and K. Everett , 2021
Le Nunavik en chiffres 2020, Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la condition autochtone comparée, Université Laval, Québec, Français et Inuktitut, 64 p.
Le but de cette publication, qui constitue une mise à jour améliorée et élargie du Nunavik en chiffres 2015, est de diffuser le plus facilement et le plus largement possible des données statistiques clés sur la région la plus septentrionale du Québec, telles que la population, l'emploi, la scolarité, le revenu, les prix, les logements et la santé. Cette nouvelle édition contient également une section consacrée à quelques faits saillants pour chacun des villages du Nunavik. Les données apparaissant au Nunavik en chiffres 2020 sont les plus à jour disponibles au moment de la publication.
Taghizadeh Imani, Sajjad , 2021
Les tendances de la pauvreté et des inégalités au sein des communautés des Premières Nations du Canada (2006-2016). Rapport de recherche, Sous la direction de Gérard Duhaime et Charles Fleury, Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la condition
autochtone comparée, Université Laval, Québec, 28 pages + annexes.
Pour étudier l'incidence et la persistance de la pauvreté au sein des communautés des Premières Nations, nous avons établi
les mesures et les taux de faible revenu pour l’ensemble des communautés des Premières Nations du Canada de 2006 à
2016. Nous avons documenté les tendances des inégalités de revenu en calculant les coefficients de Gini et la distribution
par quintiles de revenu après impôt des communautés des Premières Nations pour 2006, 2011 et 2016. Finalement, nous
avons comparé les mesures établies selon trois indicateurs : 1) le lieu de résidence, à savoir sur réserve ou hors réserve, 2)
l’identité autochtone, en distinguant Autochtone et allochtone, et 3) le type de traité signé correspondant à chaque
communauté, soit historique ou moderne.
Duhaime, G., A. Caron and K. Everett , 2021
Nunavik in Figures 2020, Canada Research Chair on Comparative Aboriginal Condition, Université Laval, Québec, English and Inuktitut, 64 p.
The purpose of this publication, which is an improved and expanded update of Nunavik in Figures 2015, is to disseminate as easily and broadly as possible key statistical data on the northernmost region of Québec, such as population, employment, education, income, prices, dwellings, and health. This new edition also contains a section dedicated to some highlights for each of the Nunavik villages. The data appearing in Nunavik in Figures 2020 is the most up-to-date available at the time of publication.
Duhaime, Gérard et al., 2021
Social and economic conditions and inequalities in the circumpolar Arctic, Dans: Economy of the North, ECONOR 2020, Statistical Analyses 167, Statistics Norway, 2021, pp 15-38
This chapter updates and extends the previous comparative study of socio-economic and social conditions across the circumpolar Arctic, by comparing the situation in 2018 and 2012. Comparing the indicators over time allows us to verify whether the socio-economic models of the three geographical groups are still relevant. The socio-economic models are shaped by different factors, including political structures, emphasis on different economic industries, and transportation systems. The updated results continue to indicate that differences between the three geographical groups are shrinking, although there are increasing internal inequalities in some regions.
Glomsrod, S., G. Duhaime and l. Aslaksen eds., 2021
The Economy of the North. ECONOR 2020, Statistical Analyses 167, Statistics Norway, 2021, 204 p.
The objective of The Economy of the North – ECONOR 2020 is to present a comprehensive overview of the economy of the circumpolar Arctic, including the traditional production activities of the Indigenous Peoples. The report has been produced as part of the ECONOR IV project, undertaken under the Sustainable Deve lopment Working Group (SDWG) in the Arctic Council. The ECONOR IV project was carried out with Norway as lead country, Canada and the United States as co-leads among the Arctic states, and the Saami Council as co-lead among the Permanent Participants.
Taghizadeh Imani, Sajjad , 2021
Trends in Poverty and Inequality in the First Nations Communities of Canada (2006-2016). Research Report, Under the direction of Gérard Duhaime and Charles Fleury, Canada Research Chair on Comparative Aboriginal Condition, Université Laval, Québec, 28 pages + appendices.
To study the incidence and persistence of poverty within First Nations communities, we established the low income measures
and low income rates for all First Nations communities in Canada from 2006 to 2016. We documented the trends in income
inequality by calculating the Gini coefficients and the quintile distributions of after-tax income of First Nations communities
for the years 2006, 2011 and 2016. And lastly, we compared these measures using three indicators: 1) place of residence,
on- or off-reserve; 2) Aboriginal identity, distinguishing between Aboriginals vs. non-Aboriginals; and 3) the type of treaty
signed by each community, historic or modern.
Heininen, L., K. Everett, B. Padrtova and A. Reissell , 2020
Arctic Policies and Strategies - Analysis, Synthesis, and Trends, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in collaboration with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Austria, 265 p.
The scientific report Arctic Policies and Strategies - Analysis, Synthesis and Trends delivers a holistic analysis of the policies, strategies, and declarations of the relevant Arctic stakeholders. It also includes new and/or emerging trends of Arctic governance and geopolitics in the early 21st century. The analysis, using quantitative and qualitative methods, is based on a coding of the text of 56 policy documents (in 1996-2019), namely: i) the strategies and policies of the Arctic States and the Arctic Council Observer States; ii) the policies and declarations of the Arctic Indigenous peoples' organizations (Permanent Participants); and iii) the main Arctic Council chairmanship programs and ministerial declarations. It considers how different Arctic actors define and address issues around the following: the human dimension, governance, international cooperation, environmental protection, pollution, climate change, security, safety, economy, tourism, infrastructure, and science & education. Each document was read and analyzed thoroughly; quotes were selected and coded and then used to compare and contrast (percentage-wise) how the different documents address the above issues. For each category of stakeholder, the findings are compared within the category and then discussed with
each other category-wise. Our study shows that the most-coded quotes of the Arctic States' policy documents relate to the Governance, Economy, International Cooperation, and Human Dimension indicators, as well as to a new Environmental Protection indicator (composed of Environmental Protection coupled with Pollution and Climate Change). The policy documents of the four Indigenous peoples' organizations explicitly address issues surrounding Indigenous rights, although in different contexts, and also those related to the Governance indicator, both broadly and in detail. Unsurprisingly, all these documents emphasize the importance of 'Traditional knowledge.' The most-quoted indicator in the Arctic policies/strategies of the nine Arctic Council Observer states is the Science and Education indicator, followed by the International Cooperation and Economy indicators. The fourth most-quoted is the new Environmental Protection indicator (composed of Environmental Protection coupled with Pollution and Climate Change). The analyses generated a separate list of new/emerging trends for each stakeholder, summarizing the current main themes and concluding trends. Based on these, there here follows a short list of the overall new and/or emerging trends of the future of Arctic governance and geopolitics: i) Ambivalence of Arctic development, including 'political inability,' whenever a balance is sought between environmental protection and economic activities; ii) The domination of States within the Arctic territory due to geopolitical stability and sovereignty vis-à-vis internationalization/globalization, and due to international treaties and self-determination; iii) Focus on science, with all Arctic stakeholders being dependent on scientific research and international cooperation in science for problem-solving due to climate change; and iv) Close interrelationship between the Arctic and Space (e.g., digital security, satellites, meteorology) due to globalization and rapidly advancing climate change in the Arctic.